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This website serves as a virtual database and contains the headshots and resumes of student actors in the Ball State Department of Theatre and Dance. You can look for a specific actor in the search field above, or browse actor profiles by class / year by clicking on the links below. Questions about the site can be directed to
Class of 2023

Tyler Barfield

Zoe Benjamin

Jillian Barnes

Laura Berigan

Sean Britton

Imani Brissett

Ben Brock

Jess Brunner

Ian Cobb

Katie Cole

Trinity Cravens

Jarrett R Crowthers

Annabel Hawkins

Madeline Demos

Kaitlyn Day

Skylar Doescher

CeCe Donathan

Kelsey Dunn

Mikayla Galgerud

Gabriella Guerrero

Elizabeth Hallal

Bernadette Harding

Victoria Horne

Jakob Harding

Rachel Harrold

James Hayakawa

Kaley Hinrichs

Matt Ho

Jackson Hottle

Kate Jergensen

Jonathan Kalinen

Maddie Kerr

Laura Kloser

Hannah Kohl

Anna Kruger

Emma LaPlante

Ingrid Lowery

Laila Malak

Emmy Lulley

Adelyn Maruca
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